Once again, the headlines focus on another catastrophe in the narrow sea between Turkey and the European Union. People flee the war in Syria; they flee from the crumbling states in Afghanistan and Iraq; they flee from political and social trauma in Libya and sub-Saharan Africa. They flee to Europe and underline each day the case for Britain to stay in the European Union. They come because it works.
Five reasons for Britain to stay in the European Union:
- Work to be done – the European Union is the largest single jobs market in the world.
- The rule of law – across our continent are 28 countries that subscribe to a common system of justice for each citizen beneath an overarching legal concept of human rights.
- Freedom of speech – we each have an acknowledged right to say, believe or argue whatever we choose.
- Freedom of opportunity – we can choose to move freely throughout the European Union in search of work, inspiration, leisure.
- Security – Europe has preserved 70 years of peace, by talking, compromising and sharing rather than fighting and killing.
Five reasons why Britain leaving the European Union (Brexit) would be wrong:
- Free trade – we are members of the largest free trade zone in the world. Brexit says we can make better trade agreements on our own. Why start again and throw away all the influence we already have?
- Safety – we are members of the two major defence alliances in the world – the EU and NATO. Brexit says we would be safer out. The US and all our other international partners encourage us to remain, to make more of our influence in the EU.
- The protection of citizens – EU regulation valuably protects employment rights, human rights, health standards, the environment. Brexit means these protections would be weaker in the UK, and to trade with the EU we would need to abide by the EU’s rules. Why leave?
- The City of London – one of the major global centres. Brexit says leaving the EU would unshackle the City. The City largely disagrees, not wishing to lose business to Frankfurt and Paris. Global financial institutions urge us to stay.
- Immigration – careful management of people coming to Britain improves our economy and our society. Brexit says the present humanitarian catastrophe would be solved for Britain by tough border controls. People are people, not numbers. The wars will continue, people will move to seek a safe future. We have a duty, across the European Union, to share.
Brexit makes no sense for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And if we leave the EU, Scotland’s chief minister politely points this out that Scotland will plan to leave the UK, in order to remain a European nation. The UK will crumble, forfeiting the opportunity to make a major contribution to the peace, security and prosperity of the continent of Europe – where the fortunes and the safety of our children and their children rest.
See also: Peace, law and freedom of speech