We produce plays. We provide financial management and business structure advice for independent creative businesses. We offer manuscript assessment and market analysis for authors.


Photograph of a stack of books. The books are entitled The Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud.

The Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud

photo of a brunette woman singing with the title Time-Bomb


The Emma Press

Power Play by Christopher Walker & Ian Grant

The Merciless Mission of Molly McCloy,
by Ian Grant
Opened on Zoom in June 2020

R&D workshop showing of Creed,
by Christopher Walker and Ian Grant
Thursday July 25th 2019
Royal Academy of Music, London

Rehearsed Reading of
Barbara & Cecily, by Ian Grant
Wednesday June 26th 2019
Park Theatre, Finsbury Park, London

The Institute of Psychoanalysis

November 23rd 2018
St Martin with Ludgate, London

Inpress Books


March 7th to March 24th 2018
Upstairs at the Gatehouse, Highgate, London

Tiny Dynamite

January 9th to February 3rd 2018
Old Red Lion Theatre, Islington, London

Writing and selling your work

Theatrical executive production

Producing and marketing new writing and classical texts for live theatre.

Author development

Are you working on a novel or writing short stories? Would you like to know if you are on the right track? For expert supportive advice, send a sample. See contact page.

Manuscript assessment

Have you completed a first draft manuscript? Are you wondering if it is good enough to send out? For a constructive assessment, send a sample. See contact page.

Market assessment

Getting the attention of an agent or publisher requires accurate targeting as well as talent. If your manuscript shows real promise, you will be advised on suitable agents to approach, and helped to compose a winning covering letter.

The creative business structure

SME business

Good value, practical advice on cash flow or profit; revenue or costs; shareholder finance or bank loans – and how you keep track, change course and grow the business whilst paying the wages.

Digital transition

In an online, mobile world communication and information flow as a river into an ocean, no longer fixed points in a static landscape. Experienced consultancy around the options and opportunities in the world of continuous change.

Creative industries

Who cares, who should care about what we have to say, show, tell? And how do we find the customers while creating the work; manage the business while inventing new ideas, new forms? Practitioner advice and experience to share, encourage and support.